Who are we and what do we do?

Our Founders

Ryan Douglas aka (REACH) is a committed evangelist. His only goal is to lift up the name of Jesus and to teach others to do the same. After having shared the faith with many for years REACH decided it was time to go online and teach others to do the same.


The Reach is an evangelism organization with a simple vision. We want to see Billions of People give their lives to Christ and become true disciples. We accomplish that through our mission which is to Bring Men to Christ and Grow Men in Christ. Having shared the Gospel in many different contexts Reach felt it was time to share that experience. How to evangelize on the street, urban evangelism, talking to your neighbor at Starbucks or on campus he’s done it all. This ministry was born out of Ryan Douglas’ home Church Bethel Deliverance Church NorthEast. While away on a fast Ryan’s spiritual Father Pastor Timothy Baldwin heard clearly from God about the Evangelism Ministry that needed to be birthed at Bethel North East. The mandate was to REACH. After being commissioned to lead this initiative Ryan took the vision and ran with it! Now the Reach has grown into an organization that brings individuals to Christ, and  equips other believers all over the world to do the same.  

Bring Men To Christ

John 12:32 And I, If I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. The Reach operates from a simple premise. “LIFT HIM UP”. Our team uses whatever gifts, talents, abilities and platforms available to us to lift up Jesus. As He is lifted up and men are drawn we preach the Kingdom Of God to all who come. We also work with individuals and churches and teach them how to use what God has given them to bring Men to Christ and Grow Men in Christ. 

Grow Men In Christ

Matthew 28:18-20 All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore go, Make disciples of all nations….. Jesus commands evangelists NOT ONLY to preach the Gospel, but to make disciples. Our goal at the REACH is not just to see people get saved, but to see people become disciples. We believe lives change when people are saved but the world changes when disciples are made. 

What We believe

Who is God. God is the all powerful, all knowing, ever present being that created the universe and everything in it. He is eternally existent as one “Being” sharing three distinct “Persons”. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. All persons being separate yet co equal as one being “God”. 

Who is Jesus. Jesus is one of the persons in the being of God. He came to the earth and died on the cross for the sins of the world. He is the only begotten Son of God. His death, burial and resurrection is the basis of the Christian Faith. HE IS, the only way that salvation can be obtained for any person on earth. 

Who is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and the third person of the trinity. He is all powerful, eternally existent and he is a person. The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is present with all those who have confessed with their mouths the Lord Jesus and believed in their hearts that God has raised him from the dead. He is equally God the same way that the Father and the son are. 

Where is Evangelism in the Bible?

2nd Timothy 4:5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

The Apostle Paul is charging Timothy to get out there and to the work of an evangelist. We at the Reach know that means to do Matthew 28:18-20 “make disciples”, as well as Mark 16:15 preaching The Gospel to all creation.